Virtual Buoys

PRIVACY POLICY – First it is important that any app that tracks you precisely must tell you how your location data is used. Virtual Buoys does use your location data, it does not collect or share it with anyone. Your location is necessary for Virtual Buoys to provide you with navigation and distance data, but this information remains on your phone and is not sent to anyone.

Virtual Buoys is an iOS app that allows you to track “virtual buoys” on rivers. Several “events” are available for download once you have purchased the app. These events include the MR340 for 1 or more paddlers, the Shoot-out on the Missouri River and the Race to the Dome.

Unlike normal buoys which we carefully avoid, you want to track to the virtual buoys as they define the center of the channel. As you paddle, the Virtual Buoys app will keep you informed of your distance to the center of the channel, your current speed, the distance to ramps and checkpoints, and your required speed to remain ahead of the Reaper. It will also format text messages for you to send to check-in or check-out at checkpoints. It projects the times you will arrive at various ramps and checkpoints, and can prepare text messages to be sent to your ground crew and other followers.

Virtual Buoys has been tested along the entire MR340 course and has been used in the MR340 race. It is reliable and was created by Dennis Smith, an MR340 participant.

Another excellent app to use is the MR340 Pro Paddler app for Android phones. Unfortunately there is not an iOS version of this app.

All profit from the sale of this app will be distributed to Missouri River Relief.

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